Your safety at MFCC
Safety on and around the playing field for players and spectators is one of our main concerns, especially in these uncertain times.
To this end Malcolm Gendel, has taken up the role of security manager at MFCC.
Over the last few years you would have noticed professional security guards patrolling Caulfield Park with your safety in mind.
However being a club of over 500 members, not including parents and extended family, and having games being played 6 months of the year all over Melbourne, just having 2 security guards at Caulfield Park is not enough. We need your help and your vigilance too.
We need a Parent Security Group (PSG) for the club of which Malcolm will head and guide on a rostered timetable.
Many of you may already be part of a PSG at your school. If so, you will be invaluable and we ask you to please volunteer your services for your club and child’s safety as well.
If you are not already part of PSG and would like to make a difference, we can arrange for the Community Security Group (CSG) to conduct a 6-Hour basic awareness training program.
Ideally, we would like to have at least one PSG for each team, as we would like to have our away games protected as well.
If you can’t be part of the new PSG then we ask all parents, players, coaches, TMs, family and fans to be alert. Be aware of your surroundings at Caulfield Park. Watch out at
· Games
· Training nights
· Leaving and arriving at the park
Should anything or anyone that does not fit or looks suspicious, please report it to Malcolm Gendel on 0409 532 449 and security personnel on site.
Please try to get as much information about the person, including ethnicity, sex, height, age and build and any other distinguishing features, or vehicle including rego, colour, make and model. Take a photograph if safe to do so.
To be part of the MFCC PSG please contact Malcolm on 0409 532 449 or security@mfcc.com.au
You can be part of the PSG just for your team or for a time on the park in general, whatever you can do will help in the safety of everyone at the club.
Please contact Malcolm if you are willing to help and take up the role on the PSG. During this time, please indicate whether you are already part of PSG at your school and have already having been trained by CSG or are willing to be part of the group.
REMEMBER we need your eyes and ears!!
Match Day Security
Football is a game for fun and enjoyment. It is not worth getting into any confrontations over both on and off the pitch.
So when you play out your match, either as a player, parent, official or spectator, keep these things in mind.
On the field during your game if you feel threatened by your opposition either physically or verbally report it to your ref immediately.
If nothing has been resolved and you still feel threatened then do not get into a confrontation. You are within your rights to walk off the field and report it to your coach/team manager. In turn the incident will be reported to FFV through the club.
Remember that if you feel threatened walk off the field.
Officials, Parents and Spectators
At no time during a game are you allowed to enter the field of play unless the ref has given you permission to. Severe penalties may apply if you do.
Just like the players if you feel threatened in any way either physically or verbally report it to the ref.
If nothing has been resolved and you still feel threatened then walk away from the game and report the incident to your coach/team manager. In turn the incident will be reported to FFV through the club.
Please also contact the clubs Head of Security, Malcolm, on 0409 532449 or email: security@mfcc.com.au to report an incidence. Malcolm will be keeping a record of all incidences big or small with a view to resolve them with the opposition clubs.