Maccabi FC Caulfield
Social Media Guidelines
1.1 The following guidelines apply to all members of the MFCC parents/guardians of players, coaches, officials and staff and any other person notified by MFFC that these guidelines apply to them (Team Members). If you require clarification about aspects of these guidelines and how it applies to you, please contact current MFCC President, Kevin Milstein
1.2 The term Social Media Platform includes:
(a) social networking sites, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Tick Tock and other generally accepted social media outlets and SMS;
(b) video and photo sharing websites, including Instagram, Flickr, Snap Chat, YouTube other generally accepted social media outlets and SMS ;
(c) micro-blogging sites, such as Twitter and other generally accepted social media outlets and SMS;
(d) weblogs, including personal blogs or blogs hosted by traditional media publications;
(e) forums and discussion boards, such as those operated by Paramount Sports, Four Four Two or The World Game;
(f) online encyclopaedias, such as Wikipedia; and
g) any other web site that allow individual users or companies to use simple publishing tools.
1.3 This document may be supplemented or amended or varied by MFCC at any time in its absolute discretion.
MFCC wishes to enable new technology and communication media to be used to benefit the sport it runs, its Participants, and to applaud achievements. This can occur due to the immediate nature of communication to a wide audience using social media networks as mentioned above.
Always use social media networks to add value and promote sport in a positive way
However, Participants in MFCC related activities need to be very mindful of a few key matters that could lead to inappropriate use of new media, at times unintended, and at other times without a proper understanding that once comments are made or published, they are in public for a long time, and hard to take back (retract).
• Do not publish personal information, inappropriate videos or photos online.
• Avoid offensive, provocative or hateful language
• Be conscious that media outlets are monitoring Social Media Platforms and will report on anything of interest.
• Do not engage comment on rumours, do not deny or affirm them or speculate about rumours.
• Do not publish anything via a Social Media Platform that you are not prepared to share with the general public.
3.1 Team Members may post, blog, tweet or comment (including ‘like’) in Social Media Platforms provided that such communications are courteous, respectful and a factual account of that Team Member’s personal experience.
3.2 Team Members may not make any post, blog, tweet or comment (including ‘like’) in a Social Media Platform that in MFCC reasonable opinion:
(a) is abusive, offensive, inappropriate, defamatory, discriminatory, misleading or deceptive, illegal or of a nature that may bring MFCC, a FFV Team, the sport of football or themselves into disrepute;
(b) discloses confidential or competitive information about MFCC, a MFCC Team, an opposition Team or an event in which a MFCC Team is competing. If you require clarification about what MFCC information is in the public domain, you should consult with MFCC committee;
(c) discloses another individual’s personal information or is otherwise in breach of MFCC Privacy Policy;
(d) incorporates any intellectual property (including music, film, and photographs) without the permission from the owner. For the avoidance of doubt, Team Members are not permitted to use any intellectual property of MFCC on any Social Media Platform, without the express prior written approval of MFCC,
(e) incorporates any visual footage of any kind from inside a match venue;
(f) incorporates any interviews with, or stories about, another Team Member;
(g) is inconsistent with the Terms of Use applicable to the Social Media Platform being used.
3.3 Audience comments on a Team Member’s personal Social Media Platform are permitted provided that the Team Member takes reasonable steps, including working with MFCC, to ensure that such comments are courteous and respectful and not in MFCC reasonable opinion abusive, offensive, inappropriate, defamatory, misleading or deceptive or otherwise
3.4 MFCC will not be legally liable for anything written or said in a Social Media Platform by a Team Member or any third party. Views expressed by Team Members, other than the official MFCC spokesperson or delegate, will be their own. Team Members will be personally responsible for any post, blog, tweet or comment in a Social Media Platform.
4.1 A breach of these guidelines will be considered a breach by you of your MFCC Team Agreement or Employment Agreement with MFCC (as applicable). MFCC reserves right to take any measure(s) it sees fit with respect to such breach, including the right to:
(a) issue, or require the relevant Team Member to issue, a corrective or other statement relating to the particular matter;
(b) issue a ‘take down notice’ requiring a Team Member to take down a post, blog, tweet or comment on any Social Media Platform, in whole or part, within a specified time.
4.2 MFCC will regard a failure to comply with a ‘take down notice’ as a breach by you of your MFCC Team Agreement or Employment Agreement with MFCC (as applicable).